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Sue Bohme - outandabouttravel.com.au

About Sue.

After many years as a chef, I decided to follow my other passion, travel. I have been in the industry since 1999, best move I have made.

Elizabeth Bay
47 Elizabeth Bay Road,
Elizabeth Bay
02 8667 3336
Contact Sue


Why travel – It feeds the soul, takes you out of your comfort zone and makes you appreciate what is important .“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”

Top travel tips

1. Educate yourself about the destination.
2. Have a sense of humour and smile.
3. Learn some local words.
4. Relax and take in the environment.
5. Get lost every now and then, throw away the guide book, some of the best things are discovered this way.

A must when travelling – Passport and a sense of humour.

Expert in the following destinations: