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India - outandabouttravel.com.au

Destination India

India is a land painted in a vivid palette of geographical and cultural contrasts, inspiring and intriguing visitors since Roman times. For travellers today, the options are vast. From luxury vacations in India to rugged trekking or deep relaxation, cultural immersion and more – the choices are as diverse as the subcontinent itself.

Whether it is the magnificent landscapes and wildlife, or the people and their rich culture, history, places of worship and culinary traditions; few places exist in the hearts, minds and dreams of travellers the way India does. No matter where you visit or what you do here, we believe that the magic and beauty of India is best experienced based on your own unique interests and preferences.

By perfecting your arrangements from our first interaction, to the time that you actually travel in India and onwards until your flight home, you’ll experience this incredible destination through your own lens and digest all the sights and sounds that make India, India. At About Travel, we are passionate about delivering an authentic experience that allows you to feel and appreciate the country for all her beauty and history. With a well travelled passionate team, who genuinely care about our guests, we integrate our travel consulting knowledge and operational strengths to create unforgettable private tours of India.

North India

North India

Emperors, Maharajas, the Ganges and Taj Mahal.
The North’s mosaic of influences can be attributed to the armies who have marched through this bold and diverse landscape, from Alexander the Great to the Mughals and most recently, the British. In Rajasthan and Madyha Pradesh, fortresses and palaces bear witness to the wealth of the region’s legendary warriors and royalty. In Agra, the Taj Mahal tells an eternal love story, while farther East the Ganges welcomes pilgrims and visitors to Varanasi, the City of Light.

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East India

Kolkata & East India.
East is East, and Kolkata her cultural capital, boasting a British colonial elegance expressed in her architecture, gardens, and legendary cricket grounds, interwoven with an artistic and spiritual passion that is undeniably Bengali. The Northern hills are synonymous with serenity and tea in Darjeeling and Assam, whereas the legacy of the Buddha’s enlightenment comes alive in Bodhgaya and Sikkim.

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South India

Kerala, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu
From sea to shining sea, the South seduces effortlessly. To the West, the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea, verdant backwaters, and hill stations bring a South India tour or a holiday in Kerala to life. In the East, Tamil Nadu’s shores are caressed by the Bay of Bengal. Inland, Karnataka offers relics of ancient empires and distinct cultural, architectural, and natural attractions. It’s no wonder that the South has captivated travelers since the days of St. Thomas (AD 52).

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West India

Mumbai, Goa & Central India
Marvel at the 13 million-strong “Maximum City” of Mumbai, unwind on Goa’s beaches, or follow in the footsteps of countless Hindu and Muslim kingdoms… But be prepared for diverse, fascinating experiences. Whether exploring bold rocky landscapes, booming cities or lush forested hills, tasting Portuguese flavours, or listening to classical Indian music, these regions deliver unmatched cultural, natural, and historical attractions.

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