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Lindblad Expeditions - outandabouttravel.com.au

Lindblad Expeditions


Inspiring people to explore and care about the planet, in partnership with National Geographic.

For over 50 years, Lindblad Expeditions has been turning vacationers into informed and engaged explorers. Together with National Geographic we offer intimate small-ship expedition cruises that, unlike traditional cruises, are your opportunity to encounter the world’s most pristine and inspiring places up close with the seasoned experts who know them best.

A Lindblad-National Geographic expedition is arguably the most exhilarating overseas adventure travel experience a person can have. Nothing else comes close to approximating its authenticity and all-five-senses engagement. We offer you the world’s ultimate, authentic expedition experience: Discover the planet’s most remarkable places, accompanied by experts able to illuminate all you see, and with cool tools  to use to explore up close and personally.

Enquire Now.

Send us an e-mail via the form,
or just send us an e-mail directly at
1300 793 010
02 8667 3336